
You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.


  1. Jinhyun So, Kevin Hsieh, Behnaz Arzani, Shadi Noghabi, Salman Avestimehr, Ranveer Chandra, “FedSpace: An Efficient Federated Learning Framework at Satellites and Ground Stations,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.01267.

Journal Papers

  1. Jinhyun So, Basak Guler, and Salman Avestimehr, “Turbo-Aggregate: Breaking the Quadratic Aggregation Barrier in Secure Federated Learning,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory 2.1 (2021): 479-489.
  2. Jinhyun So*, Basak Guler*, Salman Avestimehr, “ CodedPivateML: A Fast and Privacy-Preserving Framework for Distributed Machine Learning,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory 2.1 (2021): 441-451.
  3. Jinhyun So, Basak Guler, and Salman Avestimehr, “Byzantine-Resilient Secure Federated Learning,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) 2020.

Conference Papers

  1. J. So*, H. Kwon, “Universal Auto-encoder Framework for MIMO CSI Feedback” in IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), Dec, 2023.
  2. J. So, R. E. Ali, B. Guler, J Jiao, A.S. Avestimehr, “Securing Secure Aggregation: Mitigating Multi-Round Privacy Leakage in Federated Learning,” in The 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Feb, 2023.
  3. Baturalp Buyukates, Jinhyun So, Hessam Mahdavifar, A. Salman Avestimehr, “LightVeriFL: a Lightweight and Verifiable Secure Federated Learning,” in International Workshop on Federated Learning: Recent Advances and New Challenges in Conjunction with NeurIPS 2022 (FL-NeurIPS’22), Dec, 2022 (oral presentation).
  4. J. So*, C. He* , C Yang*, S. Li, Q. Yu, R. E. Ali, B. Guler, A.S. Avestimehr, “LightSecAgg: a Lightweight and Versatile Design for Secure Aggregation in Federated Learning” in the fifth Conference on Machine Learning Systems (MLsys), 2022 (oral presentation).
  5. J. So, R. E. Ali, B. Guler, J Jiao, A.S. Avestimehr, “Securing Secure Aggregation: Mitigating Multi-Round Privacy Leakage in Federated Learning,” in International Workshop on Trustable, Verifiable and Auditable Federated Learning in Conjunction with AAAI (FL-AAAI-22), Mar. 2022. [Presentation]
  6. J. So*, R. E. Ali, B. Guler, A.S. Avestimehr, “Secure Aggregation for Buffered Asynchronous Federated Learning,” in Workshop on New Frontiers in Federated Learning in Conjunction with NeurIPS, Dec. 2021.
  7. C Yang, J. So, C. He, S. Li, Q. Yu, and S. Avestimehr, “LightSecAgg: Rethinking Secure Aggregation in Federated Learning,’’ in IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Dec. 2021.
  8. Ramy E. Ali, Jinhyun So, and Salman Avestimehr. “On Polynomial Approximations for Privacy-Preserving and Verifiable ReLU Networks,” in Workshop on Privacy-preserving Machine Learning in Conjunction with NeurIPS, Dec. 2021. available online at arXiv:2011.05530. [Presentation]
  9. Chaoyang He, Songze Li, Jinhyun So, Mi Zhang, Hongyi Wang, Xiaoyang Wang, Praneeth Vepakomma et al. “Fedml: A research library and benchmark for federated machine learning.” in NeurIPS 2020 SpicyFL Workshop (Bast Paper Award), available online at arXiv:2007.13518. [Presentation] [Slides]
  10. Jinhyun So, Basak Guler, and Salman Avestimehr, “A Scalable Approach for Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Machine Learning,” in the 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Dec. 2020. [Presentation]
  11. Jinhyun So, Basak Guler, and Salman Avestimehr, “Turbo-Aggregate: Breaking the Quadratic Aggregation Barrier in Secure Federated Learning,” in ICML Workshop on Federated Learning for User Privacy and Data Confidentiality (Long Presentation), Jul. 2020. [Presentation]
  12. Jinhyun So, Basak Guler, Salman Avestimehr, and Payman Mohassel, “CodedPrivateML: A Fast and Privacy-Preserving Framework for Distributed Machine Learning,” in International Workshop on Coding Theory For Large-scale Machine Learning (CodML) in Conjunction with ICML, Jun. 2019.
  13. Jinhyun So, Sungho Choi, Seung Hyeok Ahn, Eui-Rim Jeong, and Yong H. Lee, “Digital Predistortion Based on Envelope Feedback,” in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing(ICASSP), Mar. 2012.
  14. Sungho Choi, Eui-Rim Jeong, Byonghwan Lee, Jinhyun So, and Yong H. Lee, “New Predistortion Technique for Wideband Power Amplifiers of Dual-Band Transmission Systems,” The 21st Joint Conference on Communications & Information 2011, May. 2011.

* : equal contribution


  1. Jinhyun So, Seokjoong Heo, Soobok Yeo, Sejin Kong, Jaehak Lee, and Mingu Kim, “Communication device and control method thereof,” Pending, U.S. Patent (US9712345), and Korea Patent (No.2015-0151308).
  2. Seokjoong Heo, Jinhyun So, Soobok Yeo, and Mingu Kim, “Receiver apparatus and reception method in wireless communication system,” Grant, U.S. Patent (US9479360), Korea Patent(10-0118975).
  3. Jinhyun So, Sungho Choi, Seung Hyeok Ahn, Eui-Rim Jeong, and Yong H. Lee, “Low-cost digital predistortion apparatus and method using envelope detection feedback,” Grant, U.S. Patent (US9148093), Korea Patent (10-1389880).
  4. Sungho Choi, Seung Hyeok Ahn, Eui-Rim Jeong, Jinhyun So, and Yong H. Lee, “Method and Appratus for pre-compensation of self-local oscillator coupling effect in transmitters,” Grant, Korea Patent (10-1265241)